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Behavior Expectations

Behavior Expectations

Riverside Elementary School-wide Behavior Expectations (RES)


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Our school is always working to find successful ways to encourage children to make safe, respectful and responsible choices across all school settings. This year we will begin the process of implementing schoolwide behavior expectations to support all students’ behavioral learning. We will use a proactive system of supports that explicitly teaches, models, practices, and recognizes appropriate student behaviors.  Our school will have three behavior expectations for students in all school settings:

Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe.

Students will help to define what these behavior expectations look like in the various settings and then practice the appropriate procedures with staff in each area. We will then be able to support students as they make connections to the common expectations while learning to model appropriate behaviors and take responsibility for their choices in a meaningful way.


Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Be Safe

Speak kindly and treat others the way you want to be treated.

Stay in dress code: no sagging, zipped, and tied

Use materials and equipment properly.

Be a good listener and acknowledge others' ideas.

Think before you act and accept the consequences of your own behavior and choices.

Keep your hands and feet calm and to yourself.

Take care of our school.

Make your best effort to come to school every day, be on time, and give it your all.

Always walk and be where you are supposed to be.